2024.5.26 거짓 증언과 순교
But Gospel Diversity Is Opened 사도행전 6:8-15
But Gospel Diversity Is Opened 사도행전 6:8-15
As a Result of Their Rejection 누가복음 4:16-30 [feat. 누가복음 1:1-4; 사도행전 1:1-2]
Preaching to Me Today 마태복음 13:43-53
마태복음 8:10-13; 28:18-20
Healing Project to Gentile Justice 마태복음 12:9-21
Among the Thirsty and Hungry 마태복음 25:31-40
Worshiping Jesus 마태복음 14:22-33
More Than Lady Wisdom 마태복음 11:19-30
Groaning Inwardly For Bodily Resurrection 로마서 8:17-26
The Son of David Nullified Conquest Ideology 마태복음 21:1-17
Emmanuel, the Suffering Solidarity 마태복음 27:34-48
Two Banquets, Old and New 마태복음 26:26-29; 출애굽기 24:6-11
Elder Role Played by Pilate the Governor 마태복음 15:21-28; 27:20-26; 10:5-8; 13:13-15; 참조. 시편 78:1-8; 신명기 21:6-9; 사무엘하 1:12-16; 예레미야 50:4-7;
Interpretation by Hessed 마태복음 9:9-13; 12:1-8
Freedom of Link and Fusion 마태복음 5:17-26; 22:34-40